
My heart is dry but I'm still singing!

Sometimes in life there is just no going back. God puts us on a track and no matter how much we may want to run in the opposite direction we are already committed. We have given him the power, the dominion, in our lives. What a blessing. Really. Think about that... we have committed and He is committed and there is no undoing a covenant with God. He is so faithful.

Today, today I am just full of gratitude. For a Lord and a King that walks beside me through it all. When the poo is flying He gently reminds me, they threw it at me too. Persecution? I eat persecution for breakfast. Leaving everything you have known... I walked on the earth, I gave up my everything so that you too could share in my inheritance. Unto death. Lord, I can walk here because you have lead the charge. My feet seem so clumsy on your path. But, walk with you I will.

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