

If insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results, then what is endurance? Endurance is obedience unto death. Endurance is tenacity with a revelation in it's teeth. Endurance is running after you are exhausted, fighting when it appears you have lost, it's standing back up after the beating of a lifetime.

When I think about endurance, I can vision Jesus is The Passion Movie; hands tied as the centurions beat him relentlessly. I can't even endure to watch... then the carrying of the cross to Golgotha. Jesus withstood more as a man, then I will even fathom. Physically the last hours of his life here on earth were horrible. He literally was a dead man walking.

Insanity is trying it your own way, consistently. Insanity, is finding yourself in the same place over and over and not changing your reaction. There is no growth in insanity. It's like riding the Merry Go Round. You just hold on and go around and around. Endurance builds muscles as you bear weight, you might not go far but you are able to make progress in baby steps by putting one foot in front of the other. Insanity is pulling the covers over your head. Endurance is looking the day head on, knowing you might die, but doing it anyway. Endurance takes courage. It takes faith in a God whose 'love endures forever'. It takes hope in a better tomorrow.

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