Jeremiah 6:10 "To whom can I speak and give warning? Who will listen to me? Their ears are closed so they cannot hear. The word of the LORD is offensive to them; they find no pleasure in it."
In the NIV Bible the word "listen" appears 413 times. Whether it's God talking in the Old Testament about the Israelites not listening or in the New Testament Peter rebuking the Jews. One thing I know to be true about the Word of God is that He will repeat himself until we get it. If it is something that He truly wants to get across he will repeat it over and over...possibly 413 times.
I have said it before that we need to be careful to what we are listening to and I don't want to negate that. What I am saying here is that when God puts someone in your life that needs to pour their heart out learn how to listen. I have been taking this counseling course through my church because I know that is one of my weak areas. That's what you do, learn your weaknesses and then learn how to do it better. Well one of the things our instructor was talking about last night was listening and validating.
Validating does not mean that you have to agree or disagree, it simply says, I hear what you are saying. I am awful with this. As I learn every Wednesday night as I sit through this class. I am one to hear (not listen) what I want to hear and then run with the ball. Sort of like a quarterback, I have the ball and I am going to run with it or pass it off but there has to be movement for me to feel that I have done my part. But sometimes, well probably most times, the best thing we can do for people is to listen to them and validate their feelings. What I have learned to be true in this class is as we do that they will open up more and we will find out that the ball that we are carrying isn't really the issue at all. People will offer up the least intimate thing about themselves first, if I am running with that, then I don't stick around long enough to hear their hearts or to love them with the arms of Christ when they get to the real issues.
When I think about the times that my children or my husband and come to me to tell me something of their heart, how many times have I assumed what they were going to say and then rebutted them with my opinion. This is a major fault in my own life, I always want to triage the situation, put a band-aid on it and move on. Most of the time, all they want me to do is listen to them and by doing that I allow them to come to their own conclusions and to encourage themselves. I am quick to finish peoples sentences and most times that people are talking all I am thinking about is what I am going to say next, not truly hearing what they are trying to convey to me.
We live in a busy world, the phone is ringing, we are running the roads to get to this and that, we have dinner cooking, and are trying to get our chores done. As cape wearers we are the queens of multitasking. If I am on the phone talking with someone I am usually folding clothes, or walking around straightening up the house. But are we really paying attention to the little voices around us. I made plans last night to meet a friend before class, we are both busy moms with busy lives and we set aside some time to get together so that we could talk. Well we didn't pick a good place because we were interrupted by everyone walking by. I didn't make space for this woman to talk, I didn't get the chance to really get into the heart of the matter because everyone that walked by wanted to talk, or I wanted to talk to them. Multitasking...visiting 30 people instead of the one that I set the time aside for. She didn't get validated in the way that she should have. She needed me to listen and I didn't do it.
How I despise it when I am talking to someone and they are looking past me almost like they are looking for someone more important to talk to. I don't feel validated, I feel like I am just a burden to them. I am sure that's how this young woman felt last night. I should have taken her somewhere quiet, I should have shut the door and really listened to her heart. We live and learn and that was the lesson that God was trying to teach me last night. I will make amends with her and ask her forgiveness and then give her my whole attention.
Acts 3:23 "Anyone who does not listen to him will be completely cut off from among his people."
In this passage Luke quotes Moses about the Word of God. But there is a principle there that applies to everyone. If someone doesn't listen to me I am not going to go running to them when I have something to say. I will cut them from my list of people to share with. On the same token, if I don't listen when they come to me, they will find someone that will. With my kids that is a grave concern. With my husband that is a grave concern. With the people God has put in my life, that is a grave concern. If I have laid down my life, my preference, my will, then I need to truly make space in my life to listen to those who have something to say. I am always quick to say, "You learn more by listening than by talking". Oh Lord thank you for teaching me my own lesson.
So if my ears aren't sharp to hear the voices that are audible in my life. My husband, children, parents, friends, how much less sharp are they going to be when God speaks to me? I don't know about you, but that is a slap in the face to me. A huge reality check. Whammo! I am a topic talker, simple and to the point. Okay, blunt. That's me. I don't beat around the bush I say what I have to say and then I am done. Some people are detail talkers. My son and my husband are prime examples of that. They will take me around the world three times to tell me what they bought at Walmart. In my ears it sounds like the adults talking on Charlie Brown. I find it excruciating. I want to know what they bought and they want me to share in the entire experience with them. They want to share it with me. They love me and they want me to be apart of it. I can't dishonor them by not listening to what they are telling me. At that point there is nothing more important, the dishes can wait, the computer can wait, the phone can ring off the hook.
Lord, thank you for your voice. Thank you that you talk to me even when I am too busy to listen. Lord, continue to teach me to slow down. Continue to put your hand on my life and to teach me the hard lessons. Lord, I repent of my will, I repent of thinking that my tasks are more important than the people. Lord, let me have ears to hear and eyes to see. Lord, I have given you my life, but today I chose to give you my ears, my agenda and my patience. Lord, I know that patience is an act of obedience and today I chose again to learn the principle of patience. With my family, my friends and any others that you will put into my life. Thank you Lord. For your mercies are new every morning and today I can walk in new mercy for myself and others. Bless you Father, the Alpha and the Omega, that you love me enough to discipline me. I feel honored to be your daughter, your chosen one, and I am awed at your words for me this morning. Praise you Lord. I give you all power, all glory and all honor forever and ever. In Christs name I pray. Amen.
I have been guilty of this also. I have heard it said "We have two ears and one mouth" .....seems we should listen at least twice as much as we talk. We not only have physical ears, but spiritual ears as well. While we are listening to the person, we might hear as well, the Holy Spirit and might actually be able to say what is in the heart and mind of God concerning this situation. Awesome!