
Something you may not know...

I love to shoot guns.  I haven't always been a huge fan of guns.  Actually I was deathly afraid of guns up until about a year ago.  My husband, his Dad, his brothers are all "gun guys". 
 I just whinced in fear everytime they brought them out.  I remember staying out on the farm in 1998 for a few months while we transitioned to Atlanta from Florida (see, adventure have always been a way of life) and my father in law took me out in the yard and told me I had to learn to shot.  I did what he asked of me but I hated it.  

Guns have been used in deaths of people that I love.  I blamed the gun and not the person for years.  Not anymore.  I have a new love for guns.  I love the way they "kill" my victim mentality.  I love the power that I feel in that moment.  I love unloading it down range and reloading it.  It eases my tension and reminds me of how delicate and fragile life really is.  What I know is that it makes me love life.  I love to be on the range.  I love the smell and the soreness I feel the next day.  

Yeah, I still shut my eyes every time and that's something that will end with more practice.  That day, I shot over 100 rounds of ammo.  I love my Baby Glock... and I found that I love to shoot Ande's hand gun as well.  I hate shotguns and don't have to prove anything by shooting them.  I like rifles, but prefer a handgun.  Who would have thought?  Not me.  

But if you ever want to put a smile on my face... play me some Miranda Lambert Gunpowder & Lead and take me to the range.  The smile lasts for days.  Sort of like this one of my daughter after shooting her own 22 rifle. 

Until next time.  

1 comment:

  1. Don't know if I've commented on your blog before, but I just wanted to say, me too! I grew up around guns, though. My mom was a firearms instructor for the state department of corrections. I say guns don't kill people. People do!
