
Let him with ears hear....

I am sitting here in bed with Ande, Zoe is sleeping at our feet.  Ande is watching National Treasure 2 on Alex's PSP.  Ande doesn't have the best of hearing and anyone that spends any amount of time with him will realize it quickly.  He is entrawled with the PSP and the headphones.  He made me listen to the ducks flying in because he could actually hear them.  

I am sitting here now, wondering, are my ears so damaged by trash that I can't even hear the small details.  Ande and I don't have TV in our house and most of our news comes in through the internet.  We live in our own little world and that's okay, they seem to like us here most of the time.  Not  having TV for over a year now, it always amazes us what we can see in just small doses of it.  On New Years Eve we were with my inlaws and we were watching the ball drop and in the 40 minutes that we watched I walked away feeling defiled.  It's like the turtle in the soup pot.  I just find it amazing.

I grew up in a house with TV.  A big one... and it was on as long as someone was home to watch it.  I am a music person even now I am jamming to Pandora while I write.  But I don't have a long enough attention span to watch a whole movie.  Some love it, I find it excrutiating.  I have to have interaction, if not I want to be reading... or sleeping.

But I do know that Obama is coming into office tomorrow... and I think that he was sold to America with a red bow.  I think he was portrayed by the media to be so much more than he is.    I watched Bill O'Reilly tonight briefly while I was on that eliptical machine at the gym.... Bill says, he was abandoned by his father, mother moved him around, he grandparents raised him through adolescence.  I get all of that.  And he is the first african american president and I am so happy that is a boundary that this country is willing to break.  Honestly, it means a who new era is here and I get all of that.  Call me crazy.  I know that I have some liberal family out there that is going to blast me.  "Change"  we want change.  We guess what... you got it.  Now what are going to do?

Well, I for one am going to pray daily for the President.  I hope and pray that he can hear the voice of God and not just his over zealous wife.  I will pray for our nation, and for our children.  I will honor the Oval Office even if I can't honor the man that sits in the chair.  

Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God.  So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished.  For the authorities do not strike fear in people who are doing right, but in those who are doing wrong. Would you like to live without fear of the authorities? Do what is right, and they will honor you.  The authorities are God’s servants, sent for your good. But if you are doing wrong, of course you should be afraid, for they have the power to punish you. They are God’s servants, sent for the very purpose of punishing those who do what is wrong.  So you must submit to them, not only to avoid punishment, but also to keep a clear conscience.   Romans 13:1-5

So as I lay my head down to sleep on the eve of a new era, I am reminded to trust God. He has it all under control.  He can't be persueded by the media.  He has a plan, and He knew that this was coming.  He is the same God that protected Paul, the same God that watched Pontius Pilate turn Jesus over to the Pharisees.  His ways are not our ways, but we give Him control.  We stay on our knees, we listen for his voice.  We heed it, we desperately seek His face... but at the end of the day He says, I love you so much more than you can imagine.  I hear what you can't hear.  I have surround sound.  I can hear details.  Rest in me.  Yes sir.  Amen.

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